What is the Role of Operation and Maintenance in Scrum Development

Introduction The Operation and Maintenance group is the people who shall ensure that the product continue to satisfy the need of the customer. For at system this means availability and capacity is sufficient and typically stated in the Service Level Agreement, SLA, for the system.

The Operation and Maintenance group works closely with the Product Owner being Subject Matter Expert, SMEs, when question are raised about interpretations of User Stories or establishment of ‘Done’ criteria
What Responsibilities are involved? The following responsibilities are involved:

Responsibility Description
Provide input to the Product Backlog Based on the incidents and problems reported from the users and experience from own work, the Operation and Maintenance group formulate User Stories describing the the shortcomings of the system that should be addressed or opportunities for improvement that should be taken advantage of in order to make operation and maintenance more effective and efficient.
Support the Scrum Team in understanding User Stories If the Scum Team have troubles in understanding a User Story the Operation and Maintenance group should be available with short notice to help resolving any ambiguity with the User Story and define how Done can be defined for the User Story.
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