How to Perform a Walk-Through

Introduction The walk-through is an informal quality assurance activity performed between peers. The main purpose is to get a “second opinion” on a work product. This “second opinion” is provided by a peer to the author/creator of the work product.
Who will participate? The walk-though have few participants – the author and one or more peers.

Author Peer
Present subject A/R C
Comment on subject I A/R
Legend: R=Responsible;A=Accountable; C=Consulted; I=Informed

What is the input? There is normally no formal input to the walk-though, possible a reference to the subject for the walk-through
Which tasks is expected? The following tasks are expected:

Task Description
Invite for the walk-through When the author assess that the current status of his/hers work product is ready for being checked he/she identify one or more peers with the required knowledge to verify the feasibility of the work.

The peers are invited – could be very informal – to have a look a presentation of the work.

Present the work The author present the work product for the peer(s). Usually this is done in smaller pieces at a time, so the peer do not get overloaded by information and mis some important aspects of the work product being checked.
Comment on the work After each presentation of a piece of the work product the peer(s) comment on the product using their subject matter expertise to identify defects or weaknesses in what has been present and present their view to the author. It is also good practice to provide positive comments when something is considered good.
Note: Always comment in a polite manner – peers are here to help the author not to bully the author.
Continue the walk-through until all has been checked When there is no more comment to the current piece of work product presented, the process is repeated from the step “Present the work”, until the entire work product has been presented and commented by the peers.
Update the work product based on comments. After all comments has been received, the author update the work product as he/she find appropriate as the author is the sole responsible for the quality of the final work product.

How shall the result be controlled? There is no control of the result.
What is the output? The only output from the session is the knowledge the author or creator gets from the feedback from a peer and possible an updated version of the work product.
When can we exit? The walk-through stops when there is no more to comment from the peer(s).
Hints and Examples The …