Good Engineering Practices

Introduction Developing a new product or service involves a lot of activities that has to be performed, requirements elicitation, solution design, solution verification and validation etc. in order for product or service to be a success for the organisation.Not all activities is relevant  in every situation and  an activity do not need to be completed before proceeding to the next activity.
What activities should be considered Below is a list of activities – also known as Good Engineering Practices to consider to in order to ensure a proper quality of the solution:

Activity Description
Risk Management This activity focus on identifying risk to a successfull implementation of  the development. Risk management is an ongoing process, starting when the decision to implement a solution is taken – identifying high level risks, and continue during all subsequent implementation steps to identify potential new risk introduces as part of the implementation decisions taken.
Requirement elicitation This activity focus on identifying all requirements to the new product or service – this include identifying who might have legitimate  requirements to the product or service.Requirement are gathered in either an

  • Epic: For high level requirements that need to be broken further down because they cannot be implemented in one itereation.
  • Use Story: For requirements that are sufficient “small” to be implemented in one iteration.
Requirement analysis This activity focus on understanding the requirements and fill in the gap that might be there because it was considered obvious that this was required, known as implicit requirement.
Solution high level design This activity focus on breaking the solution down into a number of parts/components that makes it possible to have an overview of the solution without being caught in the details  – it is the “divide and conquer”  activity.
Part/component design This activity focus on the details of one part/component of the solution. The aim is to describe the part/component in sufficient details to minimise misunderstandings when building the part/component.
Part/component implementation This activity focus on the building of the part/component as designed.
Part/component verification This activity focus on verifying that the build part/component actually is in adherence with the part/component design.
Integration verification This activity focus on verifying that when parts/components are integrated they actually adhere to the part of the solution high level design they intended to implement.
Solution verification and validation This activity focus on two aspects of the solution

  1. Verification: Does the solution in full adhere to the requirements and design of the solution.
  2. Validation: Does the solution in full adhere to the intended use of the solution – including handling of forseenable errors.

Hints and Examples The …